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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Apa kah pacaran jarak jauh bisa di percaya?

Pacaran jarak jauh memang BISA dipercaya, namun membutuhkan apa itu Kepercayaan dan Komitmen yang kuat untuk satu hati dan satu tujuan. Kita lihat dulu dasar kalian saling mengikat hati itu untuk apa dulu? Apakah hanya untuk mengisi keadaan yang kosong agar tidak jomblo atau memang ingin serius untuk sehidup semati/menikah. Jika salah satu dari kalian mempunyai tujuan yang berbeda, maka pacaran seperti apapun kalau dijalani akhirnya juga akan berlalu/hilang. Dan tentunya kepercayaan sudah tidak berlaku lagi disini. Meskipun pacaran jarak jauh sangat berbeda dengan jarak dekat pada umumnya, namun untuk masalah kesetiaan dan keseriusan keduanya mempunyai nilai yang sama, yang artinya kesetiaan dan keseriusan jadi kunci utama kelanggengan suatu hubungan. Ini merupakan pengalaman pribadi saya sendiri, pernah pacaran jarak jauh (sampai saat ini masih) namun kami bisa saling percaya dan akan menikah tahun depan ^_^ dan hubungan kami baik-baik saja, karena tujuan kami sama yaitu untuk sehidup semati/menikah dan BUKAN untuk hanya sekedar punya pacar. Sekarang tinggal anda berdua, bagaimana membentuk tujuan yang sama agar jarak itu tidak menjadi kendala dalam berhubungan. Jika Kalian berdua mempunyai tekad untuk menikah, maka 60-70-% Anda bisa mempercayai si dia.

materi referensi:

Pengalaman pribadi ( DINO )

Bagaimana mencari teman yang bisa dipercaya dan dapat menyimpan rahasia?

biar gwa tebak
umur kamu dibawah 18 taun yah..

sebenarnya banyak orang2 yg bisa dipercaya dan bisa megang rahasia,,
namun kalo nyari yg masih teen age(masih SMP/SMA) tuh susah,,
tinggal kamu mau terbuka dan bisa menerima semua background masing2 orang atau enggak,,coz orang2 yg bisa dipercaya n bisa jaga rahasia itu mayoritas berada dalam ormas2(organisasi masyarakat) yg mengandung unsur agama.
menurut pengalaman gwa orang2 yg kaya' gitu banyak di LDII, Muhammadyah, NU, maupun kristen LDS(later day saints)
orang2 yg menganut faham2 itu biasanya dapat dipercaya n bisa jaga rahasia. Namun usia seseorang juga berpengaruh, usia 19 keatas lebih bisa jaga rahasia, namun banyak yg mau memanfaatkan orang2 yg usianya lebih muda. Orang pendiam n cuek lebih bisa dipercaya dan jaga rahasia, orang yg friendly abis bisa dipercaya tapi susah jaga rahasia.
gwa sendiri orangnya mang menjunjung tinggi yg namanya janji, mau berjanji berarti wajib ditepati. harus mati2an tepati janji, bila emang udah mati2an tp gak mampu menepati brarti itu memang takdir Tuhan.

intinya dari yg diatas.
kamu tuh harus koreksi diri dulu, pantes gak kamu dipercaya dan bisa gak nyimpen rahasia
sory tadi gwa nyebutin ormas2 tertentu, tapi yg gwa maksud tuh gak cuman itu doang n gwa mihak itu (coz tuh yg ada di sekitar gwa aja). yg gwa maksud, orang2 yg beragama tapi ta'at beribadah dan jaga konsekwensi dalam ajaran agama. kalo beragama doang tapi gak ta'at n gak ibadah, itu orang yg berbahaya.
n orang yg gak terikat ma agama yg tidak terorganisir tuh juga bahaya.
bila nyari yg masih sekolah yah nyari temen yg tertib ma agama aja. orang yg biasa2 aja juga ada sih, cuman susah nyarinya.

materi referensi:

asalkan mau terbuka n mau menerima semua kalangan, kamu pasti ketemu ma orang2 yg kamu cari.

Pria Berwajah Lebar Tidak Bisa Dipercaya?

Sabtu, 13/3/2010 | 15:17 WIB - Hasil penelitian yang diadakan tim psikolog dari Universitas St Andrews, Inggris, belum lama ini menunjukkan, pria dengan bentuk wajah lebar memiliki karakter tidak bisa diandalkan atau tidak dapat dipercaya. Sebagai gambaran, pria seperti David Tennant lebih bisa dipercaya daripada juri American Idol Simon Cowell.

Penelitian ini melibatkan sejumlah pria untuk mengikuti gim komputer dengan tujuan mendapatkan uang. Permainan ini memberikan ruang bagi pesertanya untuk saling mempercayai partisipan atau bahkan mengeksploitasi rekannya.

Ketika permainan tersebut akan dimulai, setiap peserta ditunjukkan foto wajah tanpa ekspresi partisipan lain. Setiap peserta harus memilih partisipan mana (berdasarkan foto tersebut) untuk kemudian dijadikan rekan yang dipercaya menggunakan uang atau tidak. Tujuan akhirnya adalah mengejar sejumlah hadiah uang, dengan kerja tim.

Kepala peneliti Michael Stirrat mengatur permainan tersebut untuk menyelidiki apakah ada hubungan antara persepsi tentang kepercayaan dengan perilaku. Hasilnya, ditemukan bahwa sejumlah pria partisipan lebih percaya untuk memberikan uang kepada pria berwajah lebih tirus.

Stirrat mengatakan, pada umumnya masyarakat membuat penilaian instan kepada orang asing, apakah harus mempercayainya atau waspada terhadapnya. Penelitian terhadap sejumlah pria ini mencoba membuktikan basis atas persepsi masyarakat tersebut.

Yang perlu disimak adalah, teori evolusi seleksi seksual memprediksikan wajah pria memberikan sinyal apakah dia dominan secara fisik, dan kemungkinan mengeksploitasi. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan pria dengan wajah lebih lebar memiliki kecenderungan mengeksploitasi kepercayaan dari orang lain, dengan tujuan mendapatkan uang untuk dirinya sendiri.

Meski begitu hasil ini tidak bisa dijadikan kesimpulan akhir, karena penelitian masih berlanjut. Menurut Stirrat hasilnya memang penting namun perlu juga dipahami bahwa tak selamanya pria berwajah lebar itu jahat. Pada jenis permainan lain, pria berwajah lebar lebih cenderung mengorbankan uangnya untuk orang lain.

Penilaian ini tak berhenti sampai di sini. Namun menurut si peneliti, fakta yang muncul adalah pria berwajah lebar punya dua kecenderungan pilihan. Pria dengan ciri fisik ini memiliki kapasitas untuk menjalani jalur kriminal dan atau aparat penegak hukum. Sederhananya: menjadi penjahat, atau polisi.


Editor: din

Sumber: Telegraph

Get Back Together With Your Ex

How Can You Get Started?

First of all, I want you to know that your situation is NOT necessarily hopeless. It may seem that way right now but once you discover my powerful, proven plan for getting back your ex you will feel much more confident about how to proceed - it addresses a wide variety of situations and circumstances and may substantially increase your chances of getting your loved one back.

In the past, I only revealed this plan in expensive one-on-one consultations. However, I found that I didn't have enough time to explain the process this way. At least not in the depth I would like. So I've taken that exact same information and created an ebook called "How to Get Back Your Ex." It outlines everything that you need to know... it's exactly what I would say to you if we were talking to each other face-to-face.

When you get this book you will have a clear, actionable, step-by-step plan to follow... you won't have to guess about what is the best thing to do and you'll avoid the common mistakes that people make. I'll show you precisely what you can say and do in order to encourage the change of heart that will bring the two of you back together.

Please don't do any of this...

Unfortunately, the things people naturally try to do after a break upactually end up pushing their ex further away... even though it seems like the right thing to do at the time!

Have you tried any of this to get your ex back:
  • Telling them you love them over and over?

  • Apologizing and swearing that things will be different from now on?

  • Using money, kids, jealousy, or some other kind of manipulative leverage to "force" them to come back?

  • Acting depressed so that they will feel bad for you and come back?

  • Giving your ex reassurance that you have changed so they should try again?

  • Trying to reason and argue with them about why they should give the relationship another chance?

These things that most people try after a break up are actually counter-productive. People actually end up pushing their ex boyfriends or girlfriends further away making it less likely they will ever get back together! Please don't make any of the above mistakes.

I will show you a better way. A way that will allow you to increase your ex's respect for you, raise their attraction for you, and help repair any mistakes that may have been made after the break up. Basically, what we will attempt to do is remove all barriers to getting back together.

Here is just some of what you will learn from the ebook:

  • There are 3 very specific things you should do over the next month that will dramatically increase your chances of getting back your lost love.

  • I'll outline the precise conversation that should take place between you and your ex when it comes time to get back together (but only after a lot of preparatory work of course!). I'll also explain why this approach works so well.

  • What brought you together initially (attraction) will be what brings you back together now. This is the only consistently effective approach to getting them back. In the ebook, I'll show you a very specific way of how to use it to get back your ex boyfriend or girlfriend.

  • What should you do if your ex boyfriend or girlfriend is dating someone else right now? Most people are surprised by the answer.

  • How are you supposed to act around them if you see them? This is a critical aspect of getting them back... unfortunately, a lot of people make serious mistakes in this area.

  • Discover why most attempts people make to get back their ex are horribly ineffective... and what you should do instead so they will be drawn back to you.

  • Find out why (up until now) your ex has resisted all your attempts to get back together. Understanding this concept alone may mean the difference between getting back together and staying apart forever. This is a real eye opener for most.

  • Can't stop thinking about your ex girlfriend or boyfriend? Are these obsessive thoughts interfering with school or work? Onpage 23 I'll teach you how you can "turn off the switch" and stop thinking about them whenever you want.

  • In 2000, an important study was done by psychologists that pinpointed exactly what "happy couples" do that makes both partners feel more satisfied and happy with the relationship. This will be key for getting them back.

  • What should you do if your ex won't talk to you? If you hit a roadblock here, you'll never be able to get back together. The solution to this problem is deceptively simple.

  • I'll show you what NOT to do and say when you talk to your ex or see them again. This information is very important. A few specific things - things that may be very tempting to talk about - should *not* be discussed with your ex under any circumstances.

  • Obviously, arguments are obstacles to getting back together (your ex will use them as evidence that you guys SHOULDN'T be together). It's important that there aren't any fights while you are using my plan for getting back together with your ex. I'll give you a technique you can use make an argument practically impossible. (This will work when you are together again too.)

  • Apologizing often does more harm than good. I'll explain why and what you should do instead to repair your relationship without groveling.

  • Research done in the 1970's uncovered the 5 characteristics of doomed relationships. It's unfortunate that even after 30 years most people don't know about this because it's so important if you guys are going to stay together after I help you repair the relationship.

  • Use this plan to increase your chances of getting back together with him or her - even if they broke up with you!

  • I'll help you approach them in such a way that they are struck by how different you seem (in a good way). This is one of the "keys" to getting another chance with them.

  • ... and much more...

  • I've been doing this a while now and I've updated the ebook whenever needed (last update 9/09) so that everything is addressed... it's very complete.

    The plan that I will outline for you does not involve some of the common (but ineffective) suggestions you will find elsewhere such as apologizing, writing a love note, buying them a gift, or doing something sweet for them. Beware of this kind of advice as it may only push your ex further away from you. Also, this plan does not, in any way, involve stalking or harassing your ex.

    Here's How You Can Get Started on

    This Process Immediately...

    How to Get Your Ex Back is an ebook so it's available for immediate access... this means that just 5 minutes from now you can be sitting at your computer reading it and getting started on the step-by-step instructions.

    The ebook is in PDF format so it will work with both Mac and PC computers. If you are new to the internet, please don't be intimidated by the terms "ebook," "download," or "PDF." The entire process is very simple and is outlined for you in detailed step-by-step instructions. I get orders from all kinds of people and very, very few people have any difficulties of any sort.

    I used to charge around $60 an hour for a one-on-one consultation but you can get the exact same plan for much less than that... only $27. You will have immediate access to it by placing your order on my secure server by clicking on the link below now. You can pay with a credit card, PayPal, or check.